The Crash Zone (The Zone Series Book 2) Read online

Page 23

  Lukas sets my two drinks and his on the table as he sits beside me.

  Jamie gives me a look and saunters off into the dance crowd. I gulp the bottle water, and then I nervously sit beside Lukas.


  “Your brother invited me. I hope that’s okay.” I say leaning into her space.

  “Um, yeah. That’s cool. He told me. I didn’t think you were the clubbing type.” She meekly smiles.

  “I’m not, but it sounded fun. You big into clubbing?”

  “I’m not. My friend wanted to come here tonight, I thought it would be fun for Jamie and it was an excuse to get out of the house. Usually on Friday nights, I have hot dates with ice cream and my pajamas.”

  I pictured her in pajamas that were probably far from what she wears.

  “That sounds more like my average Friday too. I’m cool with going out and having a good time, but I think I’m too old for clubbing.”

  “How old are you?” She asks.

  “I’m 27.”

  “Ugh, I’m 26, please don’t say that you’re ‘too old’, when you’re only a year older than me!” She pleads as she grabs her bright blue drink and takes a large gulp.

  “How many of those have you had Mel?” I ask.

  “This is my third. I danced off the first two.” She smiles.

  We sit there in silence, drinking our drinks. I ordered the same thing, and I’m feeling pretty drunk, I don’t know how well her tolerance is but if she’s had now soon to be three of those, hopefully she doesn’t puke.

  She gulps down the last bits of her drink as I’m finishing off the orange slice in mine. She turns to me, her eyes slightly glazed, or could that be my drunken eye-sight – either way she looks beautiful. Her skin is flushed and instantly my mind assumes that’s how she looks when she’s freshly fucked. I shake my head.

  “Wanna dance?” I ask.

  She nods her head excitedly. We stand, and I grab her hand again to direct her back to the part of the dance floor we were on before. Her friends are still in the spot and I see Jamie as well. This time, I want her to face me as we dance; I want her to see my need for her. I’m probably too drunk to be thinking cohesively, but I can’t help it.

  The jealous urge to pummel Jamie before I found out he was her brother still had my blood rushing. I have no idea if she likes me, but the flirting we do every morning in the office kitchen tells me that she might.

  Our bodies are moving fluidly together along with the beat of the music. Her hand is gripping the shoulder and her other goes back and forth between being in the air or against my chest. My hardened dick is practically humping her hip every other second and I’m not ashamed of it at this point. The alcohol running through my system along with her rubbing against me is a good enough excuse in case she comments on my erection. She looks up at me, locking eyes with me and parts her lips as she breathes.

  I count to ten and when our eye contact hasn’t disconnected, I lean down and my mouth slants over hers. My tongue runs along the seam of hers asking for an invitation. As her lips open, I feel the sweep of her tongue as we fully join together. She tastes sweet, like the AMF we were drinking along with mint. My hand moves to her jaw as I hold her to deepen the kiss. Her grip on my shoulder tightens and her other hand goes around my waist. Her mouth feels like velvet and I’m fighting all the urges in my body to start removing her clothes regardless of the fact we’re in public. Slowly, we pull apart. Our eyes not leaving another, we’re both catching our breath. My hand on her jaw caresses her cheek and she smiles. I lean down again and capture her lips with mine. I groan as her moth opens and her tongue seeks mine.

  “Okay, buddy. Let her breath. Time out, both of you!” I can hear Jamie saying beside us.

  Again, we pull apart. Jamie’s face is next to us, smiling like he’s proud of himself.

  “Heading to the bar sis. Want anything?” He looks back and forth between us.

  “Water.” She whispers, she says breaking our gaze from another. She’s still gripping onto me.

  “Lukas?” Jamie asks.

  “Yup. I’ll take one too.” I mumble nodding my head.

  We stare at each other a moment longer, and suddenly I see a change in Melissa as she pulls away, her eyes wide and shakes her head. She starts to turn and walk away, but I grab her forearm and try to shout over the music.

  She wiggles out of my grasp and runs to the table, where we were previously sitting. I follow her, in hopes that she will talk to me. The look on her face as she bolted from the dance floor was reflecting that I wasn’t someone she wanted to talk to. Even though, my tongue was in her mouth a minute ago.

  I go to sit next to her, as Jamie approaches the table. He hands us the waters, winks and walks away back into the moving bodies. Not knowing of the sudden changes in his sisters demeanor.

  “Is everything okay?” I ask leaning into her.

  “Yes. No. I don’t know. This isn’t right. I mean it is right, it felt right. Sooo, right! But it’s not right. I can’t. You can’t. We can’t. Oh my god, I’m going to lose my job!” Her voice getting louder with each mixed thought.

  I place my hand on her hand atop the table and my other arm around her.

  “Whoa, calm down and slow down there. Why would you lose your job? I’m confused.” I admit.

  “You’re like my boss, I’m your subordinate. We can’t. Oh my god, we shouldn’t.” She shakes her head.

  “I’m not your boss Mel. Sure, we work together, but I’m not your boss. You report to Dane.”

  “That doesn’t matter. This…” She references to the two of us. “Cannot happen.”

  I take a deep breath. I finally kissed her, and now she’s refusing anything else to occur between us. Shouldn’t I have a say in this too?

  “Is that what you want?” I ask, lifting her chin to look me in the eyes.

  “No. I mean yes!” She shocked herself with her admission, as her brain obviously spoke first.

  “If that’s what you want, then okay. Just friends.” I yield.

  “Just friends.” She repeats staring at my hand atop hers longingly.

  I slowly remove my hand, her eyes meet mine again with sadness.


  My head is pounding and my bedroom is too bright for me right now. I might consider painting the walls black to avoid this sort of thing in the future. I slowly open my eyes, and my alarm clock reads that it’s only 9:00am. I roll onto my back and stretch my limbs. Even that hurts right now. I’m never drinking again.

  Flashes of last night replayed in my head as I laid there. The music vibrating my body, my body and Melissa’s swaying to the music with some light grinding as if we were one. The bright neon lights, and then kissing her. Then, her rejecting me.

  “Ugh!” I rub my palm over my eyes and slowly sit up. My brain feels like it’s rattling against my skull as I slowly get out of bed. I rinse off quickly in the shower and then wearing sweats lay on the couch, willing the hangover to vacate my body and fast.

  I grab my phone and shoot a text to my buddy Wayne, to see if he wants to grab breakfast. I need something greasy in my stomach. Within moments, my reply text confirms that we meet up in 30 minutes, which is perfect since I’m moving at a snail’s pace today so far.

  I’m sitting in the booth at the Greasy Spoon diner as Wayne slides into the seat in front of me.

  We don’t say anything for a few moments and just access another. He’s his usual polished self, with some weird random pattern shaved into his head by his barber. He’s a big guy, he easily weighs an entire person more than me. He situates himself and then smiles broadly.

  “You look like shit mate.” He says.

  “Just about how I feel too.” I mumble.

  “Did you go out and get rotten last night?” He asks. In Australian, that means get drunk.

  “You can say that.” I mumble back.

  “Not much of a yabber today, are ya?” He asks laughing.

  “Food, I’m here for the f

  “I’m hurt. You invite me on a date and don’t wanna chat?” Wayne jokes.

  “Shuddup.” I smile throwing my wadded up napkin at him.

  We ate in silence, by the end of the meal I had told him about the night, my kiss with Melissa and the rejection shortly after. He never had much to offer in advice when it came to women, unless she was your mother. So even though I felt much better after eating, I still felt unresolved about last night. Now, that we kissed – and it was an amazing kiss – she wants to be just friends.

  …..Find out what happens between Melissa and Lukas in their story COMING FALL 2016