The Friends Zone Read online

Page 7

  “I’ll be gone for year again. Maybe longer, depending on how I like the experience.” She smiles.

  “While I think it’s cool that you are preserving the world and all, I wish you would say home for more than 2 weeks at a time.” Betsy huffs.

  Candace looks longingly at Betsy and smiles. She places her hand on Betsy’s shoulder.

  “You know I can’t stand my parents longer than that, plus I get bored too easily here in civilization, too many rules.”

  Betsy pouts as she uses her chop sticks to pick up a piece of her super salmon roll.

  “Next time, stay with me or Sterling – then you can stay home longer.” She smiles popping the piece into her mouth and chomping down with a sigh of pleasure.

  She points down to the roll and smiles. “This is some good shit right here!”

  “Where are you going this time?” I ask.

  “The rainforest, I’ve never been to South America, so this is going to be fun.” Candace starts bouncing in her chair.

  “I saw an episode on the Travel channel where this guy shows you how to survive crazy situations in the wild and one of those episodes, he was in the rainforest. When they showed the nighttime scenes, there were so many wild noises!” I recall.

  “The quiet of the forest will definitely make you more keen to noises you never knew were there before.” Candace nods.

  “You’re so philosophical.” Betsy jokes as the three of us fall into laughter.


  It’s been a week and a half, since the night Sterling and I took tequila shots. It’s been a week and a half since we made love. It’s been a week and a half and she’s slept over my house every night. Am I jumping for joy? Internally, indeed. Publically, she wants to keep us a secret, she’s afraid of what our friends would say about us. While I’ve tried to persuade her and point out that they were the ones egging us on during that game of truth or dare. I’ve tried telling her they would be stoked for us. However, I would rather not push my luck. I don’t know what this thing is becoming between Sterling and myself, but I plan to enjoy every single moment of it. The past week and a half, we haven’t spent any time with our mutual friends though for them to wonder anything. I know I have a skip in my step and a perma-grin that while my days go on, I haven’t tried hiding. Even though work has been incredibly busy, Max has taken note of a change in my behavior, I note from some of his odd looks; however, he’s not prying for information either.

  It’s Wednesday, and I’m sitting atop my desk with my desk phone receiver pressed between my shoulder and my ear. My arms are crossed and suddenly my eyes cast up from the top of my shoe as my office door swooshes open.

  She’s wearing a pale blue button up blouse with small birds dotted throughout, she’s got on faded blue jeans and her matching blue chucks on. Being a social worker, her need to dress up is very little. But regardless of what she’s wearing, she takes my breath away. She saunters over to me as I uncross my legs she steps in between them. She presses a kiss to my lips and the person on the other end of my call is expecting me to speak. My hand is holding her to me, as she tries to pull away.

  “No, Mr. Jakeson I do not foresee that being an issue. In fact, I can see that we draft up new plans to add that extension and then we can formulate a new budget on that along with an additional timeline to go along with the current. I’ll check with the city to assure we have the proper permits and then we can touch base to discuss these changes in person.” I run my finger from her temple down to the base of her neck, I unbutton one button to gain access to her collarbone. I can feel the goosebumps form on her neck and smile. “Excellent, then let’s discuss this later…yes. You as well.” I hang up the phone and pull Sterling closer so that our bodies are flush.

  “This is a surprise.” I smile leaning in to place my lips to her neck. I can never get enough of the softness of her neck, and now I can kiss it whenever I want. That thought alone has my heart beating rapidly.

  “I have a free afternoon, and no lunch in my stomach.” She simply smiles.

  My cock is fighting with my pants, wanting to get out and be closer to Sterling.

  “Uggggggggh. I have a lunch with Max.” I groan placing my forehead against her shoulder. She laughs.

  “It’s okay. You know work and all.”

  “I wasn’t expecting you and I’ve been ditching him for drinks for this leggy brunette and she’s got me all kinds of consumed and infatuated and…” I trail off my hand roaming her side as my lips brush against her neck some more.

  “I told Betsy.” She breathes, her breathing starting to quicken as my actions freeze.

  “So we can, go public? Is that what you’re saying?” I ask with a slight smile.

  She nods her head again as I am reaching behind me for my phone. I press the speaker button and ring out Max’s extension.

  “Hunter here.” He greets.

  “Max.” I say kissing Sterling’s neck again. It’s so soft and warm and one of my favorite spots on her body especially at this moment.

  “Sup? Ready for lunch?” He asks.

  “In my office, STAT!” I hang up. Sterling is still standing in between my legs, both her hands now are resting on my shoulders and I can’t read the look on her face. I kiss the tip of her nose as my office door swooshes open again.

  “Whoa… Hey… Sterling…. Um Dane?” He stammers out halted by the scene in front of him.

  “So... Sterling and I are a thing.” I smile.

  Max dramatically claps and walks closer to us. Sterling and I move out of the position that we were in as Max grabs her and hugs her.

  “Welcome to the family kid. It’s about damn time!” He jokes.

  “Very funny.” I mutter pulling Sterling back to me, her back to my chest.

  “Just thought that I would have to forever hear of you pining after her brother.” He shrugs. He winks at Sterling, and then starts back to the door. “So, no lunch then?” He stops at the door.

  “No, you guys still do lunch. I could run some errands. See you tonight?” She asks looking back at me.

  “You bet.” I say kissing her neck again. Max leaves the room to grab his belongings.

  Sterling turns herself around in my arms and smiles as she looks up at me. “So, pining eh?” She smirks.

  “There’s been a little, yes.” I answer, why lie.

  “Mmmmmm hmmm.” She hums leaning in kissing me slowly.

  “Oh c’mon guys! Get a room!” Max interrupts from the doorway.

  Laughing, Sterling and I walk out of my office. At the parking garage, we depart and briefly kiss to not further gross out Max and we go our separate ways.


  “I'm proud of you man.” Max places his bottle of water next to me at our booth. I’m mid-bite of my burger as I look up at him. I wipe my mouth.

  “Care to elaborate?” I question.

  “Sterling. So, details? Let’s gossip like girls? It’s not every day that best friends cross that imaginary friends zone line.”

  “Nothing to really tell man. The truth or dare game, probably nudged it. Thanks for that. Anyways, one night a week or so ago, she wanted to do tequila shots and then one thing lead to another…” I trailed off shrugging my shoulders as I doused my French fry in ketchup.

  “So, why am I just now hearing about this?”

  “Because, we’re not girls who gossip dude. Plus, Sterling didn’t want to go public right away.” As I say that aloud, I wince slightly. Is she ashamed? I quickly shake my head with that insane notion.

  “That makes sense.” Max says as my phone chirps.

  Kendra: Hey stranger. After work drinks?

  Oh shit! I’ve been so preoccupied with this new route of my relationship with Sterling, that I had forgotten about Kendra. Although, I did lay it on thick the last time we talk something about being a good friend.

  “Sterling sending you dirty messages?” Max snorts.

  “I wish, nah man – it’s Kendra.”

; “Wow, I forgot about that. What happened there?” Max says posing like the gossiping female he’s desperately trying to imitate.

  “Nothing man. We went out a couple more times, then Sterling officially happened. Last time I talked to Kendra was the night things changed with Sterling. I actually said something about her being a good friend or something.”

  Max chokes on his burger. “And have you talked to her since?”

  I shake my head, looking down at my phone. “She wants to do drinks tonight.”

  “Tell her you have a date.” Max shrugs and is quiet for a moment then it’s as if a light bulb goes off and he says “Or that you have burger breath!”

  “She’s friends with Betsy, I have to be nicer than that. I’m not a total douche.”

  “Dude, after you gave her the friends line, she’s still checking in, maybe she just thinks that’s what she’s doing, being friends and all.”

  My fingers are gliding across my cell screen.

  Me: Can’t tonight. I have plans. Date

  Kendra: Date?

  Me: Yeah?

  Kendra: Is that a question? HA HA

  Me: No. Sorry, I just started seeing someone and want to see where this goes.

  Kendra: That’s no biggy. Thanks. FRIEND.

  I showed that last message to Max and he again chokes on his lunch. I chuckle.

  “Well, now that is clear.” I smile as I finish my lunch.


  It’s smooth sailing in the land of Dane and Sterling. Both of us are busy in our careers that we’re not constantly on top of another, yet we still find time to adequately spend solid couple time together. Our friends aren’t as grossed out by the prospect of us being together anymore, they just tease us with how long it took. Personally, I’ve never been happier and I hope that I can say the same for Sterling. We’ve been dating for a month now and it’s approaching that time of year where we have to make holiday plans. Since we started dating, we haven’t had any awkward moments, but then again, we’ve been friends for so many years, we didn’t need to do the whole ‘get to know you’ stage that most couples go through in their early dating. We’re still as close as we were previous to the truth or dare night, even more so – and we add in a little sex, or a lot of sex and we’re golden.

  We’re sitting at an outdoor table at a diner near her house on a nice yet warm November Sunday morning. I’m casually sitting beside her with my arm on the back of her chair, my fingertips are running along her shoulder absently. Betsy sits in front of us chatting about god knows what since I started zoning out when she started talking about her new haircut. Max thankfully is around the corner on a phone call, I’m hoping its contracts approval for a bid we placed two weeks ago for a new office building in the East Village, downtown. While we are thriving at the office, it can’t hurt to keep work steady and this bid will bring us through to this time next year if we win it. It would include loft spaces as well as a restaurant on the main floor. So yes, I drowned out girl talk for daydreaming.

  Under the table, my foot is kicked. I focus my eyes on Betsy and she’s smirking. I look over at Sterling and it looks like she’s expecting me to say something.

  “Sorry. What’s up?” I say snapping back to the present.

  “I was thinking why don’t we have both of our parents come out here for Thanksgiving?” Sterling looks at me. “Bets and Max are staying in town too; we can do a whole huge dinner!” She clasps her hands together in excitement with a smile so wide.

  My eyes soften as I smile. “That defeats the gloves and scarf your mom mailed you though.” I tease. There’s nothing that I would do for this girl, I can’t help but tease her a little before fully giving in.

  “Yeah, but it’s probably snowing there, I don’t do snow.” She states.

  “Case and point: gloves and scarf silly.” I squeeze her shoulder just as a frightened look appears on Betsy’s face as its looking behind us.

  I turn my head as two figures come into my vision. Ryan and a medium height brunette with a pixie cut and bright red lips are walking in our direction. Ryan hasn’t seen us yet, but then you see the moment that he has recognition and he comes to a slow. Unsure as to how to approach the area we are. Instead he starts his step again. The brunette at his side doesn’t acknowledge any change in behavior. Her arm is around his waist and she’s looking up at him. His head turns as she says something and he smiles. He nods over at our direction and he approaches us with caution. It’s then that Sterling notices his presence. There’s no change in her body language. She doesn’t tense up, she doesn’t start breathing differently. My arm is still draped over the back of her chair and her hand is still resting on my thigh, which Ryan eyes.

  “How long did it take Dane?” He sneers.

  “Excuse me?” I respond back, unsure exactly where this conversation is going.

  “How long did it take for you to move in on my girl?”

  “Your girl?” I quip in.

  “If I remember correctly Ryan, you’re the one who dumped me. If I remember correctly, it was a fuck ‘em and dump ‘em – right after I said something major to you.” Sterling says crossing her arms. “Besides, it’s none of your business anymore.”

  I smile as I lift my orange juice up to my mouth, proud of my girl for sticking up for herself.

  “Whatever. I bet this little thing you guys have going on here, was happening while we were together. No one’s fooled here.” Ryan continues. The girl at his side, is listening to this with a shocked look on her face. She’s trying to pull him away from the railing, but Ryan isn’t budging.

  I slowly stand up. “Listen Ryan, as the lady said; it’s none of your business. Both of you have obviously moved on and in regards to that, we would like to continue on with our breakfast, in peace.”

  Ryan says nothing. Suddenly he rips the brunettes grasp from his arm and storms back into the direction of which they emerged from. She mumbles an apology and chases after him. Just as Max comes around the corner too, with a happy, yet concerned look on his face.

  “Ryan just smacked into me, what the heck did I miss?” Max asks hopping over the railing taking his seat next to Betsy.

  “It was awesome babe!” Betsy begins. She continues to tell Max what he missed as I pull Sterling closer to me.

  “You okay babe?” I whisper into her ear kissing the space behind her ear.

  “Actually, yeah I am. Thank you.” She smiles leaning into me.

  “For what?”

  “Letting me handle it.”

  “Like a boss baby. Like a boss.” I smile kissing down her neck. She turns her head to me and briefly brushes her lips against mine.

  My attention is diverted back to Max.

  “So?” I question.

  “Looks like we’re going to continue being busy. Like really busy.” He grins, spreading his arms.

  Our table cheers and we all settle into a comfortable banter about everyday life before we go our separate ways for the remainder of our day. We approach Sterling’s house and before we close the door behind us, I pounce on her and we commit ourselves to the bedroom for the rest of the day.


  “Yes mom, I know. I’ll start cooking the bird at 4am. But mom, look I’ll see you tomorrow. I have a report to write up before I leave for the break.” I explain as I open a program up on my laptop.

  “Just want to make sure you know what you’re doing honey. You sure it’s not a big deal if we’re staying at your house?” She asks.

  “Not a problem. You and the Crawford’s will stay at my house and I’ll stay at Dane’s. It’s no biggy.” I say as I pull up a folder from off my office floor.

  “Okay, we don’t want to put you kids out though.” She continues.

  “Mom. It was my idea. I’ve got to get going if I want to get out of here tonight at a decent hour.” I whine hoping that my mother would hear that desperation in my voice.

  “Okay, okay. See you tomorrow. We rented a car, so you don’t ha
ve to pick us up from the airport.”

  “Great. Love ya ma’ I’ll see you in the morning.”

  I gratefully hang up and immediately my cell rings. I roll my eyes and hit the speaker phone.

  It’s Dane’s mom, Rebecca.

  “We just got in town!” She squeals. “I couldn’t get ahold of Dane, so I wanted to tell someone!” She shouts. Her excitement is infectious.

  “You remember where I live? That’s where you are staying, with my parents too.”

  Not sure if Dane has told her about the change in our relationship status, I know I haven’t to my parents as I wanted to do it in person. To actually see and feel their responses. I know they’ll be happy for us. Both our parents gave up on matchmaking us together long ago, so it was defiantly the best decision to hold off on the news.

  “We don’t want to put you out honey, I’m sure we can stay with Dane.” She shouts. I assume she’s on the car’s Bluetooth.

  “No put out at all. We just wanted you and my parents together since it’s been awhile and plus it will help with cooking since we’re doing the dinner at his house.” I lie. Well, not entirely a lie, but partial. “Anyways, I need to finish some work, but I’ll be home soon and then we can all go out with Dane for dinner?”

  “Yes please!” She squeals. We say our goodbyes after I give her the security code to get into my house and I am left in silence in my office.

  I finish writing up two reports on this past week’s case files and before I know it, I am shutting off my computer. With all the distractions, it only took me another hour which wasn’t so bad.

  I pulling into my driveway as I see the rental car from Dane’s parents on the street. I walk in my door and I’m immediately hit with the aroma of coffee.

  Dane’s mom is standing in my kitchen talking to her husband who is leaning against the counter. Rebecca Crawford is a striking woman. When we were little, I thought she looked like a movie star with her long golden hair and beautifully freckled skin. She’s aged well over the years, and now her golden hair is a striking silver which goes to just slightly past her shoulders if she wears her hair down. She’s always been so welcoming and seems to constantly be excited about something. She sees me walk into the kitchen and she clasps her hands together and holds her arms out to me. Richard, Dane’s father steps aside as his wife envelopes me in her arms. She’s a hugger. A strong hugger, over the years I’ve gotten used to having the air hugged out of me. I turn to Richard and walk into his arms as well. Richard is the complete opposite of his wife, he’s the strong silent type who looks like Paul Bunyan without Babe the Blue Ox. These two people are my second parents. They helped raise me just as much as my parents did.